My Imagination
There once was a girl, just an ordinary girl, but in her imagination there was no such thing as ordinary. This little girl’s name was Lily. In Lily’s imagination she was a princess, her friend was a unicorn, her mother and father were royalty.
Every day she made bouquets from wild flowers and daisy chains. She lived in a castle, with roses climbing the walls. She had a cat named Crystal. The princess had a sparkling tiara to match her cat’s silk fur. She had a golden necklace and silver bracelet. Her cat’s crown was big and shiny. She always tried to catch butterflies. She looks all day for princes and hoped one day she would find her true love.
The unicorn’s name is Jasmine. Jasmine and Lily played together with their other friend, Holly the butterfly. Jasmine was a unicorn with stars all around it. They all enjoyed each other. They gave each other company and loved one another.
In the Summer, they went to the pond to gather lily pads. In Winter, they all made snowballs. In Autumn, they collected all the different types of leaves and in Spring they made daisy chains.
Then it was night, so Lily woke up from her imagination and hoped she could play with her friends tomorrow.
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