Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Hanoi, Part 2


It isn't always true that sightseeing is fun for us. I think most women love (window) shopping, but how about men? At least my husband isn't interested in it. He loves airplanes, historical places and ruins. We sometime have some conflicts where we want to go, but we worked out very well. We each choose places to go on alternating days.


We came to Vietnamese Air Force Museum. A big propaganda poster welcomed us at the entrance. Then you can see a lot of different type of fighters and combats. Unfortunately, any fighters looked same to me, but when I looked for my husband, he was so serious and enjoyed seeing each one of them.


This is a transporter helicopter and you can see inside.

そして、やっと建物の中に入ると・・・。こんな風に銃や戦っていた時の写真、兵士達の持ち物等が至る所に飾られてました。Finally we reached at the building. There were many photos also solder's belongings and arms were displayed.



(左)社会主義の国々の旗や写真 (チェ・ゲバラ、フィでロ・カストロ)が飾られていました。(右)ベトナムでは女性もしっかり女性兵士として戦っていたんですねぇ。

(Left) These flags were belonged to proletarians of the world unite. Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were on the photos. (Right) Vietnamese women also fought as well.


I think here is the main event..... This is the MIG 21. Everybody can get on the cockpit. Look at the above photo. The day we went, it looked like children excursion was held and each child got on the cockpit with a teacher then took a photo. Yes, it would take a long time to finish all routine so I just tried to leave a room, but when I looked at my husband, (YES, Of course) he wanted to ride and do same thing that the children did.

Finally, he did it!!! I took many photos of him and he looked very happy.... :-) It must be happiest moment in this trip.

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